Oiseaux.net, ces 365 derniers jours

Le but du site oiseaux.net est de faire partager une passion pour les oiseaux et la nature en général. Le site est maintenu par des bénévoles ornithologues ou non qui contribuent à son enrichissement et s’inscrivent dans une démarche éco-citoyenne.

mercredi 16 août 2023

mardi 15 août 2023

  • 15/08/2023 : Fiche : Grèbe huppé, Gravelot du puna. fiche : Miro à ventre jaune, Carpophage géant.
    Fiche : Grèbe huppé, Gravelot du puna. Modification des fiches : Miro à ventre jaune, Carpophage géant, Diamant psittaculaire, Polochion moine, Ptilope vlouvlou, Rhipidure gris. 26 nouvelles photos : Tourtelette tambourette, Touraco à joues blanches, Bergeronnette à longue queue, Serin cini, Cisticole à face rousse, Cisticole robuste, Cochevis de Thékla, Hibou d'Abyssinie, Phyllanthe de Galinier, Mésange à dos blanc, Serin à tête noire, Tourterelle à poitrine rose, Astrild-caille d'Éthiopie, Traquet à poitrine rousse, Corneille du Cap, Gonolek d'Abyssinie, Héron cendré, Grè ...

lundi 14 août 2023

  • 14/08/2023 : Fiche : Vanneau du Sénégal. Photos : Aigle ravisseur, Circaète brun, Gymnogène d'Afrique.
    Fiche : Vanneau du Sénégal. 31 nouvelles photos : Aigle ravisseur, Circaète brun, Gymnogène d'Afrique, Milan à bec jaune, Palmiste africain, Pygargue vocifère, Vautour africain, Vautour à tête blanche, Vautour charognard, Vautour de Rüppell, Goéland pontique, Vautour oricou, Durbec des sapins, Aigrette des récifs, Tourterelle à poitrine rose, Cormoran pygmée, Sentinelle à gorge rose, Ganga à gorge jaune, Cigogne d'Abdim.

dimanche 13 août 2023

  • 13/08/2023 : Fiche : Grèbe castagneux. Photos : Ibis du Cap, Vautour chassefiente, Promérops de Gurney.
    Fiche : Grèbe castagneux. 35 nouvelles photos : Ibis du Cap, Vautour chassefiente, Promérops de Gurney, Buse rounoir, Chétopse doré, Cisticole plaintive, Serin de Symons, Monticole espion, Mésange petit-deuil, Pic laboureur, Traquet montagnard, Traquet aile-en-faux, Lioptile à calotte noire, Sterne bridée, Sterne à joues blanches, Cormoran africain, Courlis cendré, Tourterelle maillée, Goéland à iris blanc, Échasse blanche, Vanneau terne, Francolin huppé, Bulbul d'Oberholser, Eurylaime psittacin, Guêpier à fraise.

samedi 12 août 2023

  • 12/08/2023 : Photos : Sénégali à bec bleu, Piaye écureuil, Néocossyphe à queue rousse.
    22 nouvelles photos : Sénégali à bec bleu, Piaye écureuil, Néocossyphe à queue rousse, Tohi ardoisé, Troglodyte montagnard, Motmot d'Équateur, Ani des palétuviers, Martin-chasseur à collier blanc, Vanneau à tête grise, Calao à huppe blanche, Serin à diadème, Souimanga cuivré, Circaète à poitrine noire, Bécasseau à longs doigts, Tourterelle à tête grise, Bécasseau à cou roux, Étourneau pie.

vendredi 11 août 2023

  • 11/08/2023 : Fiche : Vanneau d'Abyssinie. Photos : Pouillot fitis, Chevalier guignette, Tourterelle turque.
    Fiche : Vanneau d'Abyssinie. 73 nouvelles photos : Pouillot fitis, Chevalier guignette, Tourterelle turque, Rolle à gorge bleue, Tchitrec noir, Corneille du Cap, Cormoran couronné, Cormoran africain, Cormoran à poitrine blanche, Jacana à poitrine dorée, Calao à bec noir, Flamant rose, Flamant nain, Autour chanteur, Touraco concolore, Vanneau armé, Vanneau du Sénégal, Traquet montagnard, Traquet tractrac, Coliou à dos blanc, Bulbul aux yeux jaunes, Guêpier à front blanc, Goéland dominicain, Héron garde-boeufs, Jabiru d'Afrique, Républicain social, Nigrette à ventre roux, Rolli ...

jeudi 10 août 2023

  • 10/08/2023 : Photos : Bec-croisé perroquet, Harle piette, Durbec des sapins, Pic tridactyle.
    24 nouvelles photos : Bec-croisé perroquet, Harle piette, Durbec des sapins, Pic tridactyle, Harle huppé, Sterne arctique, Jaseur boréal, Mésangeai imitateur, Caille des blés, Chevalier sylvain, Chevalier aboyeur, Martinet noir, Cincle à tête blanche, Toui à front roux, Troglodyte de Latham, Cinclode du paramo, Colibri fauve, Pitajo à dos brun, Tyranneau des torrents, Pipromorphe à tête grise.

mercredi 9 août 2023

  • 09/08/2023 : Photos : Astrild nonnette, Mignard enchanteur, Martin triste, Francolin de Swainson.
    102 nouvelles photos : Astrild nonnette, Mignard enchanteur, Martin triste, Francolin de Swainson, Traquet à ventre roux, Gobemouche fiscal, Prinia du Drakensberg, Torcol à gorge rousse, Merle litsitsirupa, Zostérops du Cap, Astrild à joues noires, Huppe d'Afrique, Tarier bifascié, Grue caronculée, Buse rounoir, Perroquet robuste, Cigogne épiscopale, Petit-duc de Principé, Tisserin pirate, Grive d'Éthiopie, Cotinga barré, Microtyran bariolé, Grallaire à nuque rousse, Grallaire jocotoco, Héliange clarisse, Héliange petite, Héron des Galapagos, Mouette obscure, Pélican brun, Man ...

mardi 8 août 2023

  • 08/08/2023 : Photos : Crombec vert, Tisserin gros-bec, Guêpier d'Europe, Bruant proyer, Mésange bleue.
    44 nouvelles photos : Crombec vert, Tisserin gros-bec, Guêpier d'Europe, Bruant proyer, Mésange bleue, Pigeon ramier, Pintade de Verreaux, Chevalier gambette, Gobemouche forestier, Bécassine sourde, Troglodyte mignon, Fauvette des jardins, Pouillot siffleur, Gobemouche noir, Akalat à poitrine écaillée, Touraco de Lady Ross, Pic à poitrine tachetée, Tamatia à gorge rousse, Cigogne à pattes noires, Hirondelle hérissée, Tyran licteur, Grimpar talapiot, Troglodyte zoné, Colombar à front nu, Guêpier gris-rose, Gobemouche de Cassin, Astrild nonnette.

lundi 7 août 2023

  • 07/08/2023 : Photos : Orite de Sophie, Mésange azurée, Locustelle de Pallas, Hirondelle pâle.
    34 nouvelles photos : Orite de Sophie, Mésange azurée, Locustelle de Pallas, Hirondelle pâle, Vautour de l'Himalaya, Podoce de Pander, Rougequeue à tête bleue, Chevêche d'Athéna, Martinet noir, Moineau friquet, Grand Corbeau, Martin-pêcheur d'Europe, Aigle de Verreaux, Aigle de Wahlberg, Aigle des steppes, Aigle fascié, Aigle huppard, Aigle martial, Aigle ravisseur, Cratérope ombré.

dimanche 6 août 2023

  • 06/08/2023 : Photos : Érione de Derby, Paruline noir et blanc, Anabate montagnard, Anabasitte perlée.
    20 nouvelles photos : Érione de Derby, Paruline noir et blanc, Anabate montagnard, Anabasitte perlée, Tangara à ventre rouge, Cabézon à tête rouge, Colibri thalassin, Sturnelle des prés, Sarcelle des Andes, Sarcelle à ailes bleues, Bécassine de Wilson, Troglodyte roux, Paruline à cimier noir, Inca à collier, Martin-pêcheur vert, Batara rayé, Amazone à front jaune, Grisin de Cayenne, Coulicou nain, Tourterelle des bois.

samedi 5 août 2023

  • 05/08/2023 : Fiche : Vanneau à tête grise, Rhipidure tacheté, Rhipidure à collier. Photos :
    Fiche : Vanneau à tête grise, Rhipidure tacheté, Rhipidure à collier. 34 nouvelles photos : Paruline bridée, Tangara de Berlioz, Organiste téïté, Colibri d'Angèle, Francolin à bec jaune, Moineau cisalpin, Pipit rousseline, Perdrix choukar, Alouette pispolette, Érismature à tête blanche, Busard des roseaux, Chevêche d'Athéna, Rollier d'Europe, Oedicnème criard, Grèbe à cou noir, Huppe fasciée, Aigle ibérique, Aigle de Bonelli, Ganga cata, Loriot d'Europe, Sittelle torchepot.

vendredi 4 août 2023

  • 04/08/2023 : Photos : Batara perlé, Grallaire grisâtre, Grallaire de Whittaker, Carnifex cryptique.
    Fiche : Choco Trogon. If all trogons are beautiful and colourful, only one bears a Latin name that truly describes it: Trogon comptus, meaning 'elegant and attractive'! A l..., Fluttering Shearwater. Medium-sized Shearwater resembling a Yelkouan Shearwater or Ashy Shearwater. Upperparts uniformly dark brown but with white patch on the edge of the w..., Philippine Trogon. The Philippine Trogon is obviously a resident of the archipelago of the same name, its scientific name is more evocative, Harpactes ardens or the Arde..., Citreoline Trogon. The Citrine Trogon, Trogon citreolus, in Latin, was ...

jeudi 3 août 2023

  • 03/08/2023 : Photos : Gobemouche gris, Bergeronnette grise, Sterne pierregarin, Sterne caugek.
    Fiche : Citrine Wagtail. The species is polytypic and only the nominal race M. c. citreola is present in Europe. However, European populations are often divided into two subsp..., Calandra Lark. The Calandra Lark is a large, stocky lark with a relatively short tail. Its head is equipped with a large, distinctly curved culmen. The eye is widely..., Little Blue Heron. This relatively small species does not exhibit sexual dimorphism. The Little Blue Heron has a head and neck of brown-violet color. The rest of the bod..., Grey-winged Trumpeter. The Grey-winged Trumpeter is the size of a domestic ...

mercredi 2 août 2023

  • 02/08/2023 : Fiche : Alouette cendrille. Fiche : Photos : Canard à bosse, Araçari de Humboldt.
    Fiche : Alouette cendrille. Fiche : Baird's Trogon. George Newbold Lawrence, an American ornithologist (1806-1895), discovered Baird's Trogon in 1868 in San Mateo, Costa Rica and so named it in honor of..., Malabar Trogon. The Malabar Trogon derives its name from the Indian coastline situated between Goa and the southernmost point of India, Comorin. The scientific name o..., Brown-headed Barbet. The Brown-headed Barbet is a medium-sized bird, with a large head and a large, strong beak of light red color, in the breeding season the beak becomes..., Wrybill. What a curious bill! The tip of the ...

mardi 1er août 2023

  • 01/08/2023 : Photos : Métallure de Stanley, Métallure de Baron, Xénodacnis mésange, Colibri d'El Oro.
    Green-backed Trogon. Green-backed Trogon, scientifically known as Trogon viridis, literally means Green Trogon, which has only green on its back that gives off a certain l..., Grey Teal. This species is often considered a subspecies of Grey Teal (Anas gibberifrons). It does not present any sexual dimorphism. It is a small surface duck ..., New Zealand Bellbird. The overall look is that of a dark green bird with a slightly downcurved bill. The male is greenish, paler underneath than above, with a purplish head..., Northern Giant Petrel. One of the largest petrels (along with the Southern Giant ...

lundi 31 juillet 2023

  • 31/07/2023 : Photos : Platyrhynque à tête d'or, Platyrhynque brun, Bergeronnette grise.
    Fiche : Collared Trogon. The Collared Trogon, an enigmatic name, the bird is known as Collared Trogon in nearly all languages except French! Perhaps Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot..., Brown Fish Owl. Ketupa zeylonensis, an enigmatical latin name, does Kétoupa come from indian mythology, where Ketu corresponds to the lunar descending phase? One thi..., Narina Trogon. Narina Trogon, the name for this African trogon, comes from a surprise discovery. In 1815, British ornithologist James Francis Stephens recorded the s..., Atlas Pied Flycatcher. The Atlas Pied Flycatcher is still sometimes considered ...

dimanche 30 juillet 2023

  • 30/07/2023 : Photos : Batara d'Acre, Guit-guit à bec court, Accenteur de l'Himalaya.
    Fiche : Abyssinian Roller. The Abyssinian Roller, like all rollers, is probably one of the birds that every ornithologist or photographer loves to encounter, impossible to miss,..., Stilt Sandpiper. Stilt Sandpiper with long legs. In breeding plumage, it is a nearly black bird above and strongly barred underneath with black. The legs are greenish,..., Moltoni's Warbler. Recent genetic studies have completely changed the systematic of the passerinette warbler. These studies have shown that we were not dealing with a si..., Southern Ground Hornbill. The Southern Ground Hornbill is a bird that, ...

samedi 29 juillet 2023

  • 29/07/2023 : Photos : Pic vert-doré, Alapi à sourcils blancs, Barbacou de Sclater.
    Fiche : Eurasian Blue Tit. The Eurasian Blue Tit is a small tit that gets its name from the blue colour of its cap, wings and tail. Its head is remarkable. The face, largely whi..., Peregrine Falcon. Perched, the Peregrine Falcon appears compact, shorter and relatively broader in shoulder than the Common Kestrel, and also significantly less volumin..., Shoebill. Shoebill is a monotypic species, the only member of the family Balaenicipitidae, endemic to the African continent. Discovered and described by Western..., Eurasian Spoonbill. Eurasian Spoonbill is a large bird with the appearance of a ...

vendredi 28 juillet 2023

  • 28/07/2023 : Photos : Anabate à couronne rousse, Barbacou de Sclater, Roitelet de Madère.
    Fiche : Rock Martin. The Rock Martin is a medium-sized swallow with drab plumage. The sexes are identical. The upperparts of the adult are dark sooty brown, with the wings..., Dark-sided Flycatcher. Medium-sized flycatcher, a bit smaller than our Gray Flycatcher. It is a big migrator with very long wings extending widely onto the tail, making it l..., Cricket Warbler. At first glance, the Cricket Warbler appears as a pale warbler with a long tail. The upper part of the body, from the head to the tail, is a light bro..., Monteiro's Storm Petrel. Monteiro's Storm Petrel is a lookalike of the Ca ...

jeudi 27 juillet 2023

  • 27/07/2023 : Photos : Attila à calotte grise, Conure de Molina, Ara à collier jaune.
    Fiche : Melodious Warbler. The Melodious Warbler is a medium-sized warbler that stands out mostly by its bright yellow underside in all plumages. The top is quite light brown sh..., Lesser Redpoll. It is extremely difficult to distinguish between the different taxa of Lesser Redpolls based on feathers alone. The location of the sighting is an imp..., Tundra Swan. The Tundra Swan is currently considered a subspecies of the Whistling Swan, a Holarctic species whose scientific name is Cygnus columbianus bewickii. ..., Ferruginous Duck. The Ferruginous Duck is a small diving duck, smaller than th ...

mercredi 26 juillet 2023

  • 26/07/2023 : Photos : Ara bleu, Bruant jaune, Grive musicienne, Pipit des arbres, Phragmite des joncs.
    Fiche : Greater Spotted Eagle. The Greater Spotted Eagle is a medium-sized eagle with broad wings and a short tail. It should be noted right away that it has similarities with its c..., Jack Snipe. Jack Snipe is the smallest of the snipes. It is barely larger than a meadow lark. The male is larger and heavier, sometimes twice as much in weight. W..., White-tailed Tropicbird. The White-tailed Tropicbird is the smallest and most graceful of the tropicbirds. The adult has a pure white body. A broad, upside-down comma-shaped b..., Comoros Fody. The Comoros Fody has a strong sexual dimorphism. In ...

mardi 25 juillet 2023

  • 25/07/2023 : Photos : Batara de Bolivie, Hirondelle de fenêtre, Canard souchet, Canard colvert.
    Fiche : Lesser Whitethroat. The Lesser Whitethroat is a medium-sized Sylvid. It is smaller than the other three common European whitethroats, the Blackcap, Garden Warbler and Gre..., Common Ringed Plover. On the Eurasian continent, with the exception of the Far Eastern Long-billed Plover (Gravelot), there are two closely related and easily confused spec..., European Golden Plover. The European Golden Plover is a medium sized bird, typically charadriid (compact body, big head, small beak and moderate legs). In breeding plumage, i..., Great Grey Shrike. The taxon Great Grey Shrike is a quite co ...

lundi 24 juillet 2023

  • 24/07/2023 : Photos : Tangara à galons rouges, Ariane à ventre vert, Élénie à ventre jaune.
    Fiche : Stock Dove. The Stock Dove is the smallest of the three European pigeons. It is also the least conspicuous, the least apparent. The sexes are also similar in this..., Fulvous Whistling Duck. Fulvous Whistling Ducks can't be confused with any other species of whistling duck or any other species of Anatidae. Only the whistling duck can be co..., Egyptian Vulture. Formerly called the European Black Vulture, the Egyptian Vulture is a small vulture whose dominant colors are black and white as an adult. Males and f..., Green Sandpiper. Often bird-watchers ask themselves the question at pass ...

dimanche 23 juillet 2023

  • 23/07/2023 : Photos : Grand Corbeau, Moineau soulcie, Rougequeue de Güldenstädt.
    Fiche : Eurasian Treecreeper. Small birds known as Treecreepers are specially adapted to living in trees, more specifically in the bark of trees. They move up and down like woodpec..., Northern Black Flycatcher. The Northern Black Flycatcher is one of the largest species of flycatcher. Like all members of its genus, it has a long tail complemented by short win..., Northern Pintail. The Northern Pintail is a sleek and elegant duck, finer and slimmer than the Mallard and this impression is accentuated by its long, tapered tail whic..., Fork-tailed Drongo. The Fork-tailed Drongo is a quite large ...

samedi 22 juillet 2023

  • 22/07/2023 : Photos : Coq-de-roche péruvien, Toucan à culmen jaune, Tangara à ventre rouge.
    Fiche : Montagu's Harrier. Montagu's Harrier is a slender, delicate harrier, the smallest and most svelte of the three nesting in Western Europe and roughly the same size as the..., Mountain Wagtail. With its slender silhouette and long tail, the Mountain Wagtail fits very well with the idea of a Motacillid. Its tail is slightly longer than that of..., Eurasian Wryneck. The Eurasian Wryneck gets its generic name from the peculiar way it has of pointing its head upwards and then turning it from side to side alternately..., Scarlet-chested Sunbird. The Scarlet-chested Sunbird is a large sunbird ...

vendredi 21 juillet 2023

  • 21/07/2023 : Photos : Huîtrier de Garnot, Grallaire masquée, Grallaire ondée, Colibri paméla.
    Fiche : Middle Spotted Woodpecker. The Middle Spotted Woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker, about the same size as a great spotted woodpecker. As with this bird, it is a multicolored..., Yellow-bellied Waxbill. The Yellow-bellied Waxbill does not show any real sexual dimorphism, just a difference in the intensity of colors between the two sexes, with the fem..., Woodlark. The Woodlark is a bird that is identified according to the circumstances by its silhouette, plumage and voice. It is smaller than the Meadow Lark and ..., Red-billed Firefinch. The Red-billed Firefinch of Senegal has a v ...

jeudi 20 juillet 2023

  • 20/07/2023 : Photos : Glaréole auréolée, Fauvette passerinette, Pétrel de Schlegel.
    Fiche : White Stork. The White Stork is a large wading bird with black and white plumage, with no sexual dimorphism. It is a well known bird that does not go unnoticed in ..., Rüppell's Weaver. Rüppell's Weaver is a medium-sized weaver with dimorphic plumage. As with many of these birds, the breeding male's plumage is predominately yellow. T..., Eurasian Curlew. Eurasian Curlews are large shorebirds with a downcurved bill. With a length of over 50 cm, a wingspan of around one meter, and a weight that can excee..., Western Yellow Wagtail. The Western Yellow Wagtail is a very polymorphic spec ...

mercredi 19 juillet 2023

  • 19/07/2023 : Photos : Choucas des tours, Oie cygnoïde, Guifette noire, Ibis falcinelle.
    Fiche : European Herring Gull. Among the large gulls, the Silver group is a complex group found on both the North American and Eurasian continents. Currently, five different taxa ar..., Red-headed Weaver. The Red-headed Weaver male in breeding plumage is distinguished by the red colouring of all or part of its body. The one of the type subspecies in the..., Spotted Flycatcher. The Spotted Flycatcher has very discreet and plain plumage. The upperparts are a uniform, brown-grey color on the mantle. The wings, with their long p..., Red-legged Partridge. The Red-legged Partridge is bigger and mor ...

mardi 18 juillet 2023

  • 18/07/2023 : Photos : Grèbe esclavon, Bécassine des marais, Vautour moine, Moineau friquet.
    Fiche : Red-backed Shrike. The Red-backed Shrike is one of our most beautiful passerines. Its size is clearly larger than that of a sparrow. Like all members of the Laniid famil..., Red-billed Teal. The Red-billed Teal is a small surface duck of the Anas genus, which includes the teals. English speakers call it the Red-billed Teal, whose French na..., Rook. The Corvid family includes the largest known passerines, the aptly named Great Raven being the largest. The Rook is smaller but still measures betwee..., Dark Chanting Goshawk. The Dark Chanting Goshawk is a slim and robust diurnal raptor ...

lundi 17 juillet 2023

  • 17/07/2023 : Fiche : fiche : Pouillot verdâtre. Photos : Chocard à bec jaune, Blongios de Sturm.
    Fiche : European Stonechat. The European Stonechat was formerly named the Whinchat. The new name may be confusing for old-timers. The adult male in breeding plumage is easy to id..., Yellow-fronted Canary. The Yellow-fronted Canary is a small finch with a short tail and a prominent facial pattern with a large eyebrow. The male's forehead and big eyebrow ..., Eurasian Teal. The Eurasian Teal is the smallest dabbling duck of the Palearctic region. Despite its small size, it is a slender and slender bird. In addition, it is..., Streaky Seedeater. The Streaky Seedeater is a medium-sized finch, qu ...

dimanche 16 juillet 2023

  • 16/07/2023 : Photos : Chevalier guignette, Chevêche d'Athéna, Milan des marais, Tisserin à bec grêle.
    Fiche : European Nightjar. Due to its habitat and its crepuscular and nocturnal activity, the European Nightjar is not at all easy to observe. Most of the time, it is a silhouet..., Barn Swallow. With its slim body, scythe-like wings, forked tail and wide distribution, the Barn Swallow can be taken as a model of the Hirundinidae family. The adu..., Eurasian Siskin. The Eurasian Siskin is a small finch, smaller than a chaffinch. It is a bird of northern Europe and the southern mountains, and a common winter visito..., Common Pheasant. The Common Pheasant exhibits strong sexual dimorphism. The ...

samedi 15 juillet 2023

  • 15/07/2023 : Photos : Corbeau à nuque blanche, Choucas des tours, Corbeau freux, Ouette d'Égypte.
    Fiche : Yellowhammer. The Yellowhammer is a rather large bird (16-17 cm in length with a weight of 25-30 g), quite slender with a large tail. Sexual dimorphism is clear. Th..., European Serin. The European Serin is the smallest of the European Fringillidae. It has a large head with a thick beak, a relatively compact body and a rather short t..., Short-toed Treecreeper. Small birds, called treecreepers, have adapted very well to living in the trees, and more specifically on the bark. They move a bit like woodpeckers, ..., Eurasian Collared Dove. The Eurasian Collared Dove is a slender little p ...

vendredi 14 juillet 2023

  • 14/07/2023 : Photos : Bruant des neiges.
    Fiche : Long-eared Owl. The Long-eared Owl is a medium-sized owl (about 40 cm long with a wingspan of around one meter and a weight of 3-400 g). Its cryptically-colored pluma..., Common Redstart. The wall nightingale, as it was formerly often called Common Redstart because of its reddishness and pleasant song, is a remarkable bird. The species ..., Northern Goshawk. The Northern Goshawk is a large Accipiter, the largest in the northern hemisphere. It is a robust bird built for bird hunting. Let's recall the accipi..., Rose-ringed Parakeet. The Rose-ringed Parakeet is a slender parakeet, about ...

jeudi 13 juillet 2023

  • 13/07/2023 : Photos : Bécarde cannelle, Tyran pitangua, Tityre à tête noire, Colibri de Delphine.
    Fiche : Common Firecrest. The Common Firecrest is, alongside its humped cousin, one of the two smallest birds in Europe. The former weighs only 5 to 5.5 grams. At first glance ..., Hawfinch. The Hawfinch is an unmistakable finch due to its large size, silhouette, colourful plumage and its large head with a very big beak. In size and corpul..., Grey Wagtail. It is suggested that confusion could arise between the Grey Wagtail and the Pied Wagtail. In my opinion, when closely observed, this only happens with..., Black-headed Gull. The Black-headed Gull is a medium-sized, slim and elegant gull. T ...

mercredi 12 juillet 2023

  • 12/07/2023 : Photos : Grive draine, Busard des roseaux, Bruant zizi, Sterne pierregarin.
    Fiche : Garden Warbler. The Garden Warbler is a sturdy warbler, more so than the Blackcap. Unlike the latter which is easily recognized by its cap, the Garden Warbler has dra..., Common Cuckoo. The adult male Common Cuckoo and most adult females have a grey plumage. The upperparts are a uniform medium grey. The head, neck, and upper breast is..., Black Kite. As I did for the 'Royal Kite', I will describe the Black Kite in comparison with its congenrica. Indeed, when posed, they can be confused, but thankfu..., Common Linnet. The Common Linnet is a small finch whose nuptial male is easy to ide ...

mardi 11 juillet 2023

  • 11/07/2023 : Photos : Héron pourpré, Bihoreau gris, Crabier chevelu, Gobemouche à lunettes.
    Fiche : Carrion Crow. The Carrion Crow belongs to the corvid family which includes the world's biggest passerines, and within this family to the genus Corvus most of whose ..., Common Chiffchaff. The Common Chiffchaff, like most members of the Phylloscopus genus, is a very small bird. It measures 11-12 cm in length and weighs, on average, less ..., Eurasian Magpie. No need to describe the Eurasian Magpie which is immediately recognisable by its silhouette and plumage. All one has to do is look at the photos to th..., Common Swift. The Common Swift is recognizable in flight by its silhouette, ...

lundi 10 juillet 2023

  • 10/07/2023 : Photos : Pouillot de Pallas, Niverolle de David, Roselin de Mongolie.
    Fiche : Common Wood Pigeon. The Common Wood Pigeon is a large pigeon, the largest in the Western Palearctic. In addition to its large size, it can be recognized by its elongated ..., Western Barn Owl. The Western Barn Owl is a quite distinctive and easy to recognize medium-sized owl. Its pale heart-shaped facial mask surrounding its relatively small..., Common Nightingale. The Common Nightingale is quite a plump bird, larger than a robin, with a similar build. It is a quiet bird, and were it not for its resonant singing ..., Red Kite. The Eurasian continent houses two species of kites, the Re ...

dimanche 9 juillet 2023

  • 09/07/2023 : Photos : Puffinure de Géorgie du Sud, Cormoran géorgien, Pétrel des neiges.
    Fiche : Golden Eagle. The Golden Eagle is a large eagle, one of the largest in the world, with its wingspan exceeding 2 meters and the weight exceeding 5 kg. It is well pro..., Eurasian Bullfinch. The Eurasian Bullfinch is a passerine the size of a sparrow, but more chunky. The adult male of the europaea subspecies is brightly colored. His mantl..., Little Owl. The Little Owl (Chevêche d'Athéna) is a small owl measuring a bit over 20 cm in length with a wingspan between 45 to 50 cm and a weight of around 20..., Common Blackbird. The Common Blackbird is the largest turdid in the Western Pale ...

samedi 8 juillet 2023

  • 08/07/2023 : Fiche : fiche : Guêpier nain, Oedicnème criard. Photos : Fulmar boréal, Bécasseau sanderling.
    Fiche : Eurasian Nuthatch. The Eurasian Nuthatch is an easy bird to recognise by its plumage and behaviour, and even more so since it is usually the only one of its kind present..., Eurasian Wren. The Eurasian Wren is one of the smallest birds of the Old Continent. It measures less than 10 cm in length and weighs only about 8 g. Its wingspan is ..., Common Kestrel. Common Kestrel is a small falcon found in open habitats of the Old World. It is a slim-bodied bird with long, narrow wings and a long tail. In appeara..., Tawny Owl. The Tawny Owl is a medium-sized owl (95-105 cm wingspan) native t ...

vendredi 7 juillet 2023

  • 07/07/2023 : Photos : Sterne couronnée, Fauvette pitchou, Crave à bec rouge, Corneille noire.
    Fiche : Great Tit. The Great Tit is a large tit, the largest of the ones we encounter in the west of the continent. It is remarkable for its black head with large white ..., Eurasian Blackcap. The Eurasian Blackcap is a medium-sized warbler (14 cm length), common and easily recognizable. Adults show sexual dimorphism. The adult male can be r..., Common Kingfisher. The Common Kingfisher is a small Old World alcedinid with blue and red plumage like many other members of its family, and the only one to have this co..., Song Thrush. The Song Thrush is slightly smaller than the Blackbird which it ...

jeudi 6 juillet 2023

  • 06/07/2023 : Photos : Oie naine, Fulmar argenté, Prion bleu, Rossignol philomèle.
    Fiche : Common Chaffinch. The Common Chaffinch is a common and easy to recognize passerine. The adult male nuptial is rather showy. The mantle and the upper back are warm brown..., Great Spotted Woodpecker. The Great Spotted Woodpecker is the most common and widespread of the so-called colourful woodpeckers, with its colourful fur of black, white and red ..., Common Starling. The Common Starling is a black bird slightly smaller than the Blackbird with whom it can be confused, but its silhouette is different. The tail is qui..., European Green Woodpecker. The European Green Woodpecker is a fai ...

mercredi 5 juillet 2023

  • 05/07/2023 : Photos : Oriole à dos orange, Alouette des champs, Spatule blanche, Phragmite des joncs.
    Fiche : European Goldfinch. The European Goldfinch is a small passerine bird, smaller than a sparrow and easy to recognize. Indeed, the adult has a reddish face and a large lemon..., Eurasian Jay. Unlike most members of the Corvidae family, the Eurasian Jay has brightly coloured feathers that draw attention. Because of this, it is easily recogni..., Eurasian Hoopoe. At first glance, the Eurasian Hoopoe is immediately recognizable. Its overall look, the reddish plumage, black and white wings and tail, and its long,.... 63 nouvelles photos : Oriole à dos orange, Alouette des champs, Spatule b ...

mardi 4 juillet 2023

lundi 3 juillet 2023

  • 03/07/2023 : Photos : Ara vert, Pénélope de Gray, Paon bleu, Oedicnème criard, Cygne de Bewick.
    Fiche : Horned Grebe. The Horned Grebe is a small grebe, barely larger than the Black-necked Grebe with which it can be confused in winter plumage. The adult in breeding pl..., Black-necked Grebe. The Black-necked Grebe is a small grebe, about the same size as the Slavonian Grebe with which it can be confused in winter plumage. The breeding adul.... 21 nouvelles photos : Ara vert, Pénélope de Gray, Paon bleu, Oedicnème criard, Cygne de Bewick, Érismature rousse, Avocette élégante, Échasse blanche, Sterne élégante, Sterne caugek, Mouette mélanocéphale, Hibou des marais, Aigle bottà ...

dimanche 2 juillet 2023

samedi 1er juillet 2023

  • 01/07/2023 : Fiche : fiche : Grèbe à cou noir. Photos : Moucherolle à tête blanche, Pic ouentou.
    Fiche : Little Egret. The Little Egret is one of the species of small herons with immaculate white plumage found across the world. But its dark morph is extremely rare in i.... Modification de la fiche : Grèbe à cou noir. 22 nouvelles photos : Moucherolle à tête blanche, Pic ouentou, Sterne royale, Goéland argenté, Canard de Hartlaub, Anserelle naine, Héron intermédiaire, Gobemouche à sourcils blancs, Pic syriaque, Guêpier d'Europe, Ibijau gris, Batara rayé, Caurale soleil, Talève violacée, Caracara à tête jaune, Spatule rosée.

vendredi 30 juin 2023

jeudi 29 juin 2023

mercredi 28 juin 2023



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